We are CC-MoRe!
Climate Change in Mountain Regions - Introducing our research group

About the CC-MoRe research group
Although mountainous regions only make up around a quarter of the land surface, they influence a large part of the Earth. From a climatological perspective, they modulate atmospheric circulation, the radiation and water balance and are therefore sensitive indicators of changes in the climate system at various scales.
The CC-MoRe research group combines in-situ measurements with modern modeling approaches to deepen our knowledge of the peculiarities of the climates of cold regions (high mountains and poles). This enables them to identify and quantify the drivers, processes and effects of climate change in mountain regions. The aim is to contribute to an improved understanding of global change - one of the greatest challenges of our future.
Our expertise
Meteorological/hydrological/glaciological measurements in high mountains
Discharge measurements
Automatic weather stations
Energy and mass balance of glaciers
Development and adaptation of sensors
Permafrost and periglacial monitoring
Time-lapse photography
Numerical modeling
Energy and mass balance of glaciers
Climate statistics
Climate scenarios: applications and analyses
Sensitivity analyses
Snow-permafrost interactions

Our projects
Land-terminating ice cliffs (LTIC) are relatively rare features of the cryosphere and their common pillar of occurrence are cold and dry climatic conditions. In North Greenland the terrestrial ice margin forms numerous LTICs, but only the Red Rock ice cliff experienced extensive past research. Over the last six decades the ice cliff was thinning but concurrently showed periods of advance, retreat and re-advance. This counterintuitive behavior of advancing and simultaneously thinning remained unstudied in detail so far and invites the question of driving processes.
We argue that changes of the Red Rock ice cliff reflect climate variability as changes in either the accumulation or ablation components or both. Therefore, we hypothesize that any changes of the ice cliff is a climate indicator for the atmosphere-cryosphere relation in North Greenland. If the interaction of the ice cliff with the atmosphere is understood, changes of the ice cliff can be translated into a climate signal. The footprint of this signal has relevance for a large portion of cold and dry North Greenland.
We investigate in detail the processes governing the changes of the ice cliff, its morphology, position and thickness. Applying in-situ based measurements and process oriented modeling we are able to resolve the ice flux, quantify frontal calving and study the sensitivity of the energy and mass balance to climate. From past and future ice temperature measurements combined with ice dynamic modeling we investigate, if a possible warming of the ice may have influenced the observed cliff advance. From energy and mass balance modelling we will quantify the climate sensitivity of the two mass balance regimes - the rather flat glacier upstream the ice cliff and the cliff front itself. Both regimes respond differently to mainly moisture controlled atmospheric conditions. On the larger picture, relating the local scale drivers to meso-scale modes of climate variability will increase our knowledge about atmosphere-cryosphere-ocean connection in North Greenland, which is a sensitive region for the global climate.
The FWF funded project is run by Innsbruck University (PI Rainer Prinz) with Graz University (co-PIs Jakob Abermann and Jakob Steiner) together with external partners.
Characterization of the subglacial and englacial drainage systems and ice thicknesses of the Mittivakkat glacier (East Greenland)
The increasing mass loss of glaciers due to climate change results in increasing meltwater runoff, which ultimately flows into the sea via drainage channels on (supraglacial), in (englacial) and under (subglacial) the glaciers and contributes to their rise. In this project, in cooperation with Høgskulen på Vestlandet (HVL, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences), the subglacial and englacial drainage systems of the Mittivakkat valley glacier (East Greenland, Ammassalik Island) and its ice thicknesses will be investigated. Based on studies carried out by our project partner HVL 10 years ago, the aim is to quantify and describe the extent to which the drainage channels have changed as a result of climate change and by how much the ice thickness of the glacier has decreased. Drone flights (for the detection of glacier mills and the creation of an elevation model), radar measurements of the ice (for the determination of ice thicknesses and detection of drainage channels) and discharge measurements (tracer measurements) will be used during the field work on the glacier in August 2023.
Christoph Posch, Jakob Abermann
An interdisciplinary approach to recording changes in snow in Greenland and Austria
Snow is a key variable of climate change, which makes it and its associated effects clearly visible. The changes in snow cover over the last 150 years or so are well documented from measurements in the Alps. However, the situation in Greenland is completely different. Although snow also plays a central role for the population there, there are hardly any measurements available for this huge island.
This research gap motivates the overarching research objective of Snow2School, namely to better quantify the changes in snow conditions using the example of Tasiilaq (East Greenland) by means of a new reconstruction method based on photographs, which is being developed and tested for Eisenerz (Austria, Alps). At the same time, Snow2School aims to generate a better understanding of the influence of snow changes (against the background of climate change) on the lives of people in East Greenland and Austria. Snow2School thus pursues an interdisciplinary research approach with strong citizen science support.
Project partners:
- BORG Eisenerz: https://www.borg-eisenerz.at/
- Atuarfik Edvard Krus (Box 193, 3961 Uummannaq, Greenland)
- University of Vienna, Institute for Culture and Social Anthropology: https://ksa.univie.ac.at/
Funding body:
- BMBWF, Sparklingscience https://www.sparklingscience.at
Link to the project website: https://www.snow2school.com
Climate forcing and glacier changes in Greenland
Greenland's ice masses are currently experiencing particularly strong changes due to man-made climate change. The observed time series of atmospheric conditions and the effects on the glacier surface are limited to the last decades. A longer perspective is particularly important if we want to achieve realistic reconstructions of the past or modeling of the future, but is usually limited to indirect proxies.
In the project 'WEG_RE - Centennial Climate Drivers of Glacier Changes in Greenland' an interdisciplinary approach is taken to improve our understanding between glacier changes and the underlying climatic drivers. The project is based on archive data from the legendary expedition of the Graz-based researcher Alfred Wegener from 1929-1931. Climatological and glaciological data were collected during this extensive expedition and are available for the project in the archives of the University of Graz. Climatologically, these are of particular relevance as they were at the core of a short warm phase in which the air temperatures were similar to those currently observed. In addition, they are available in a temporal resolution that is unique for the time.
Almost a century later, we will therefore observe the same parameters again over three years at exactly the same measurement locations and under similar atmospheric conditions, albeit with fundamentally changed geometric boundary conditions, and expand the monitoring to include modern methods based on artificial intelligence and innovative process studies. Using modeling and deep learning approaches, patterns will be compared and feedback mechanisms quantified on a local scale. Dynamic models are then used in a next step to conduct sensitivity studies. This allows us to determine which key factors cause the observed changes and how the glacier and atmosphere systems influence each other. This will give the results further spatial relevance, as the geometric configuration of the study area is representative of large parts of the Greenland Ice Sheet. An important component of the work will also be the interaction and involvement of the Greenlandic population. We will be supported logistically by local operators and at the end of the project the results of the research will be presented in the neighboring settlements. Further outreach activities beyond the core project have already been planned.
The project is a collaboration between the University of Graz, the KnowCenter Graz, the University of Fairbanks, Alaska and GEUS, Denmark. Further information can be found on the project homepage https://weg-re.at/
Natural and societal consequences of climate-forced changes of Jostedalsbreen Ice Cap
The JOSTICE research project, led by colleagues at Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, is taking an interdisciplinary approach to better quantify current and future changes in mass balance, runoff, ice volume and local climate at Jostedalsbreen, Europe's largest ice cap. The focus is not only on the physical interactions but also on the direct influences that the changes may have on hydropower, tourism and agriculture. The project is coordinated from Norway and funded by the Norwegian Research Council. Partners from many international research institutions in Europe are involved, as well as a number of local partners. The Institute of Geography and Spatial Research at the University of Graz will use drones to determine the surface changes at particularly neuralgic locations over the project period and put this into a glaciological perspective with other in-situ and remote sensing data.
From the precipitation phase transition to its impact on the local population, their emotions and reactions in East Greenland
Our understanding of changes in snow cover and the phase transition from snow to rain is incomplete in Greenland, even though it is crucial for the local population. Snow2Rain is an interdisciplinary research project that aims to improve our understanding by incorporating local knowledge, measurement data and modeling.
Two PhD students from the University of Vienna and Graz are working very closely together in this project to shed light on the physical and cultural/anthropological aspects of the research question in a complementary way. Local partners in Tasiilaq will be involved in order to establish an interface with the affected population regarding the changing snow conditions. Snow2Rain is funded by the Austrian Academy of Sciences.
Inversions in Greenland
Inversions are typical for the lower troposphere in the Arctic and are characterized by an increase in temperature with altitude and thus a stable stratification. This has various effects on the ecosystem and physical conditions such as the snow cover or the thawing depth of the permafrost. In addition, stability reduces mixing and is therefore relevant for the dispersion of aerosols and air pollution.
Inversions can be measured with radiosondes or with passive microwave technology - but the resolution in the extremely relevant lowest (deca) meters remains limited. In this project, which is funded by INTERACT, Transnational Access, we will measure inversions with commercially available UAVs in an intensive campaign in East Greenland in summer 2019 and study the influence of the melting glacier surface on the stratification.
Jakob Abermann, Wolfgang Schöner, Iris Hansche
Advancing glaciers in North Greenland
In northern Greenland, the land-based ice margins of glaciers, ice caps and the Greenland inland ice often consist of almost vertical walls. This project is the first to map the distribution, morphology and changes in these ice walls in northern Greenland using new, high-resolution terrain models. Initial results from two regions are unexpected because the ice cliffs are advancing with a simultaneous negative mass balance.
Jan 2017 - Feb 2018
Funded by:
Tips og Lottomidlerne (Greenland Lotteries)
Jakob Abermann, Jakob Steiner (University of Utrecht)
Interactions between atmosphere and permafrost in the Austrian Alps - Atmospheric extreme events and their significance for the mean state of the thaw layer
Permafrost is a characteristic element of the high mountain landscape that is subject to significant change due to global climate change. However, there is still insufficient understanding of the processes that cause permafrost changes, particularly with regard to extreme events such as the 2003 heat wave. Due to its extensive meteorological and glaciological measurements, the Sonnblick is particularly suitable for improving our understanding of permafrost processes. Through the combination of extensive geophysical measurements and highly developed modeling, ATMOperm will not only improve the process understanding of the influence of extreme years, but also expand monitoring through innovative methods.
Duration: 2015-2018
Funded by: Austrian Academy of Sciences
- Research Group Geophysics - Department of Geodesy and Geoinformation - TU Vienna
- Federal Geological Institute - Department of Geophysics
- Central Institute for Meteorology and Geodynamics - Climate Research
Georg Heinrich, Wolfgang Schöner
Drought and low water projections - learning from the past to better manage the future
The aim of the project is a comprehensive analysis of drought and low flow under past, present and future conditions. The approach used aims to overcome the limitations of current trend analysis and climate projections by jointly analyzing runoff anomalies with meteorological drivers and tree-ring records in the past and extending them to pre-instrumental periods. The resulting new understanding of drought triggering in the climate and hydrology system will (i) serve to place current extreme low flow conditions in the context of climate change over the last millennium and (ii) develop improved models to predict future drought conditions.
Duration: 2015-2018
Funded by: Austrian Climate Research Program ACRP-KliEn
- University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, (BOKU), Institute of Applied Statistics and Computing (IASC) Lead partner
- Institute for Hydraulic and Water Resources Engineering (IWI), Vienna University of Technology
- Central Institute for Meteorology and Geodynamics - Climate Research
- Hydrographic Service Carinthia, Federal State of Carinthia, Department of Water Management
Christine Kroisleitner, Wolfgang Schöner
Modeling future runoff and sediment transport in alpine torrents
The project aims to quantify the hydrological response to climate change and future sediment transport for alpine catchments using the Schöttelbach as an example. This catchment has recently experienced particularly extreme runoff and debris flow events. In order to quantify the relevance of climate change, a model chain consisting of climate scenarios (ÖKS15), runoff modeling and sediment transport and deposition modeling is used. Sediment availability, transport and deposition are derived from field recordings and sensors. Simulated runoff and observed sediment data are linked in a 2D transport model. The results will be transferred to other catchments in a GIS approach to identify future challenges for disaster prevention.
Duration: 2017-2019
Funded by: Austrian Climate Research Program ACRP-KliEn
- Hydraulic Engineering and Water Resources Management - TU Graz
- Forest Engineering Service - Torrent and Avalanche Control, Styria West
Wolfgang Schöner
Homogenization of snow time series for a robust snow climatology of the Alps
Snow is not only an important economic factor, but also holds a very relevant hazard potential for mountain regions such as the Alps. Hom4Snow focuses on long-term daily measurements of new snow depth and snow depth in Austria and Switzerland, as they are the only data sources for describing long-term snow changes. The high spatial density of the measurements in the Alps makes it possible to describe the diversity of the topography. However, as with other climate measurement series, there is a high probability that the long-term snow measurements show inhomogeneities in the time series due to changes in the station environment, observer changes or changes in measurement practice. Such inhomogeneities can significantly alter spatio-temporal trends and subsequently lead to incorrect conclusions by decision-makers or scientific users. Appropriate statistical methods are developed for homogenization and applied to the snow time series. This is based on extensive experience in measuring snow in Switzerland and Austria. Finally, the homogenized data can be used to carry out analyses of the spatial and temporal changes in snow in Switzerland and Austria.
Duration: 2018-2022
Funding: Fund for the Promotion of Scientific Research (DACH)
- Central Institute for Meteorology and Geodynamics - Climate Research
- WSL - Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research SLF, Davos, Switzerland
- Meteo Swiss, Climate Division, Zurich, Switzerland
Maral Habibi, Iris Hansche, Georg Heinrich, Wolfgang Schöner
Relevance of local climate variations for glacier behavior in Tyrol Fjord (Northeast Greenland)
Measurements of changes in local glaciers and ice caps are sparse in Northeast Greenland, despite their important contribution of freshwater from ice melt and thus to sea level rise. These glaciers show one of the clearest and most direct responses to climate change and past climate observations provide an opportunity to quantify glacier evolution. Air temperature is a crucial climatological parameter and a key variable for processes influencing snow and glacier melt. Therefore, a realistic description of spatiotemporal air temperature variation is necessary for accurate melt modeling. However, we have only a limited understanding of the distribution of air temperature and the influence of air temperature inversions on snow and ice across Greenland. This makes it necessary to use approaches that cope with sparse data and modeling approaches. The aim is to understand the local climate variability in the Tyrol Fjord region in NE Greenland and its influence on the behavior of glaciers and ice caps. To this end, we will first calculate the temperature inversions that have been calculated from the available temperature data at different altitudes and are best represented in models of vertical temperature distribution. Finally, we will apply these inversion models to a physical glacier melt model to understand the influence of temperature inversions on the mass balance of glaciers in the Tyrol Fjord region, in particular for the A.P. Oslen ice cap and the Freya glacier.
Funded by: University of Graz PraeDoc position
Jakob Abermann, Georg Heinrich, Sonika Shahi, Wolfgang Schöner
The importance of meteorological processes through the mountain orography for the drying of Lake Urmia (NW Iran)
Lake Urmia is the second largest salt lake in the world and the largest lake in Iran. Its basin is an important agricultural region for a population of about 6 million people and for even more (with about 75 million) as a staple food. The dramatic disappearance of the lake has been observed over the last two decades, leading to numerous discussions whether this is an effect of ongoing climate change or caused by human activities such as water management (e.g. water dams and unauthorized wells) or agriculture. In recent years, several international projects have been carried out to understand the hydrological mechanisms of the lake and to preserve its original status. The dissertation project aims to better quantify the influence of the mountain landscape on the hydrology of the lake under the influence of climate change, in particular the relevance of snow cover and the interaction of mountain orography with atmospheric circulation (weather patterns).
Funded by: University of Graz
Maral Habibi, Wolfgang Schöner
Every year, around 100 people are killed in snow avalanches in the European Alps, and the annual financial loss due to road closures and damage is estimated at more than one billion euros in Europe alone. Avalanche forecasts are currently produced manually by avalanche experts. The total avalanche activity of a specific region is often unknown, although this information is very important to provide accurate forecasts.
Data from satellites can be used together with machine learning algorithms to gain insights into avalanche activity throughout the Austrian Alps. Automatic avalanche detection using earth observation satellites enables better and more complete mapping of avalanches than with manual reporting. This can be used to improve avalanche forecasting by experts and form the basis for research into automatic avalanche forecasting methods.
Currently, there is no operational snow avalanche detection service for the Austrian Alpine region. Due to recent advances in satellite data resolution and frequency, some scientific studies are available focusing on some test regions e.g. in Norway and Switzerland.
Within this exploratory project, we plan to create the scientific basis for the establishment of a snow avalanche detection service for the Austrian Alpine region using remote sensing data. For a larger follow-up project, we plan to form a strong consortium with background in remote sensing, reanalysis weather data, machine learning and snow avalanche detection. The exploratory project includes the collection of requirements and expectations of potential user groups and customers regarding the final avalanche detection/prediction product as well as the development of a deep learning framework, data pipeline and IT infrastructure that can process remote sensing and reanalysis weather data for snow avalanche detection. We are planning a publication that evaluates the potential of a snow avalanche detection and forecasting system based on remote sensing and reanalysis weather data in the Austrian Alps.
PhD Cooperation in "Modeling of weather effects on perception sensors
The development and validation of reliable environment perception systems for automated driving functions requires the extension of conventional physical test drives by simulations in virtual test environments. In such a virtual test environment, a perception sensor is replaced by a sensor model. A major challenge for modern sensor models is to realistically represent the behavior of the sensor under the diverse, changing weather phenomena. To do this, the behavior of the sensor must be tested in various demanding scenarios, while at the same time both the surrounding objects and the state of the weather (precipitation, solar radiation, etc.) must be recorded in detail and precisely, i.e. "ground-truth" information must be collected.
Our publications
List of current publications
- Tiago Silva, Jakob Abermann, Brice Noël, Sonika Shahi, Willem Jan van de Berg, and Wolfgang Schöner. "The impact of climate oscillations on the surface energy budget over the Greenland Ice Sheet in a changing climate.
The Cryosphere. 16.8. 2022. 3375-3391. doi:10.5194/tc-16-3375-2022
- Tiago Silva, Elisabeth Schlosser, Manuela Lehner
A 25-year climatology of low-tropospheric temperature and humidity inversions for contrasting synoptic regimes at Neumayer Station, Antarctica.
International Journal of Climatology. 2022. 1- 24. doi:10.1002/joc.7780
Gernot Resch, Roland Koch, Christoph Marty, Barbara Chimani, Michael Begert, Moritz Buchmann, Johannes Aschauer, Wolfgang Schöner (2022): A quantile-based approach to improve homogenization of snow depth time series. International Journal of Climatology, May, 1-17 . https://doi.org/10.1002/joc.7742
Moritz Buchmann, John Coll, Johannes Aschauer, Michael Begert, Stefan Brönnimann, Barbara Chimani, Gernot Resch, Wolfgang Schöner, Christoph Marty (2022): Homogeneity assessment of Swiss snow depth series : Comparison of break detection capabilities of ( semi- ) automatic homogenization methods. The Cryosphere, Volume 16, 6, 2147-2161, https://doi.org/10.5194/tc-16-2147-2022
Stefanie Peßenteiner, Clara Hohmann, Gottfried Kirchengast, Wolfgang Schöner, High-resolution climate datasets in hydrological impact studies: Assessing their value in alpine and pre-alpine catchments in southeastern Austria, Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, Volume 38, 2021,100962, ISSN 2214-5818, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejrh.2021.100962.
Goelles T., Schlager B., Muckenhuber S., Haas S., Hammer T. (2021). pointcloudset: Efficient Analysis of Large Datasets of Point Clouds Recorded Over Time. Journal of Open Source Software, 6(65), 3471, https://doi.org/10.21105/joss.03471
Gorodetskaya, I. V., Silva T., Schmithüsen H. and Hirasawa H. (2020): Atmospheric river signatures in radiosonde profiles and reanalyses at the Dronning Maud Land coast, East Antarctica. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences 37(5), 455-476, doi: 10.1007/s00376-020-9221-8
Abermann J, Steiner JF, Prinz R, Wecht M and Lisager P (2020) The Red Rock ice cliff revisited - six decades of frontal, mass and area changes in the Nunatarssuaq area, Northwest Greenland. J. Glaciol, 1-10 (doi:10.1017/jog.2020.28)
Behm, M., Walter, J. I., Binder, D., Cheng, F., Citterio, M., Kulessa, B., Langley, K., Limpach, P., Mertl, S., Schöner, W., Tamstorf, M., & Weyss, G. (2020). Seismic characterization of a rapidly-rising Jökulhlaup cycle at the A.P. Olsen Ice Cap, NE-Greenland. Journal of Glaciology, 1-19. https://doi.org/10.1017/jog.2020.9
Scher, S. and Peßenteiner, S.: Technical Note: Temporal disaggregation of spatial rainfall fields with generative adversarial networks, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 25, 3207-3225, https://doi.org/10.5194/hess-25-3207-2021, 2021.
Kropp, H., Loranty, M. M., Natali, S. M., Kholodov, A. L., Rocha, A. V., Myers-Smith, I. H., B. Abbot, J. Abermann ... & Blume-Werry, G. (2020). Shallow soils are warmer under trees and tall shrubs across Arctic and Boreal ecosystems. Environmental Research Letters 16 015001.
Fausto, R. S., Abermann, J. & Ahlstrøm, A. P. Annual Surface Mass Balance Records (2009-2019) From an Automatic Weather Station on Mittivakkat Glacier, SE Greenland. Front. Earth Sci. 8, 1-5 (2020); doi:10.3389/feart.2020.00251.
Fahrner D, Lea JM, Brough S, Mair DWF, Abermann J (2021). Linear response of the Greenland ice sheet's tidewater glacier terminus positions to climate. Journal of Glaciology 67(262), 193-203. https://doi.org/10.1017/jog.2021.13
- Olefs, M.; Koch, R.; Schöner, W.; Marke, T. Changes in Snow Depth, Snow Cover Duration, and Potential Snowmaking Conditions in Austria, 1961-2020-A Model Based Approach. Atmosphere 2020, 11, 1330.
- Shahi, S., J. Abermann, G. Heinrich, R. Prinz, and W. Schöner, 2020: Regional Variability and Trends of Temperature Inversions in Greenland. J. Climate, 33, 9391-9407 , doi.org/10.1175/JCLI-D-19-0962.1.
- Welty E, Zemp M, Navarro F, Huss M, Fürst JJ, Gärtner-Roer I, Landmann J, Machguth H, Naegeli K, Andreassen LM, Farinotti, D., Li, H., Abermann, J., and >30 Co-authors. 2020. worldwide version-controlled database of glacier thickness observations. Earth System Science Data 12(24): 3039-3055 doi:10.5194/essd-12-3039-2020
- Greilinger M., Schauer G., Baumann-Stanzer K., Skomorowski P., Schöner W. and A. Kasper-Giebl. 2018. Contribution of Saharan Dust to Ion Deposition Loads of High Alpine Snow Packs in Austria (1987-2017). Front. Earth Sci, August 27, 2018
- Hiebl J. and W. Schöner. 2018. Temperature inversions in Austria in a warming climate - changes in space and time. Meteorological Journal, PrePub DOI 10.1127/metz/2018/0899
- Prinz, R., Heller, A., Ladner, M., Nicholson, L. I., & Kaser, G. (2018): Mapping the Loss of Mt. Kenya's Glaciers: An Example of the Challenges of Satellite Monitoring of Very Small Glaciers. Geosciences, 8, 174. doi: 10.3390/geosciences050174
- Klug, C., Bollmann, E., Galos, S. P., Nicholson, L., Prinz, R., Rieg, L.,, Sailer, R., Stötter, J., and Kaser, G. (2018): Geodetic reanalysis of annual glaciological mass balances (2001-2011) of Hintereisferner, Austria. The Cryosphere, 12, 833-849. doi: 10.5194/tc-12-833-2018
- Abermann J, Van As D, Wacker S, Langley K, Machguth H and Fausto RS (2019) Strong contrast in mass and energy balance between a coastal mountain glacier and the Greenland ice sheet. J. Glaciol. 65(250), 263-269
Hollesen J, Matthiesen H, Fenger-Nielsen R, Abermann J, Westergaard-Nielsen A and Elberling B (2019) Predicting the loss of organic archaeological deposits at a regional scale in Greenland. Sci. Rep. 9(1), 9097 (doi:10.1038/s41598-019-45200-4)
Karlsson NB, Colgan WT, Binder D, Machguth H, Abermann J, Hansen K and Pedersen AØ (2019) Ice-penetrating radar survey of the subsurface debris field at Camp Century, Greenland. Cold Reg. Sci. Technol., 102788
Docherty CL, Abermann J, Dugdale SJ, Milner AM, Lund M and Hannah DM (2019) Arctic river temperature dynamics in a changing climate. River Res. Appl. (August), 1-16 (doi:10.1002/rra.3537)
Haslinger, K.; Hofstaetter, M.; Kroisleitner, C.; Schoener, W.; Laaha, G.; Holawe, F.; Bloeschl, G. Disentangling Drivers of Meteorological Droughts in the European Greater Alpine Region During the Last Two Centuries. In: Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres. 124. 2019. -. doi:10.1029/2018JD029527