AGILITAS project group

The project group AGILITAS(Applied Geographythrough Integrative Lenseson Inter-and Transdisciplinary Aspectsof Sustainability) is dedicated to sustainable regional development with a focus on waste management, brownfield recycling, tourism and cultural heritage.
In our projects, we work side by side with regional and international partners and address transdisciplinary issues with the aim of identifying options for action and solutions in terms of sustainable regional development.
We see ourselves as an interface between applied interdisciplinary research and practice, between theory and application, and offer our students the opportunity to put the knowledge they have acquired at university into practice in order to make the transition between studies and professional practice a smooth one.
Our team
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Agnes Kardosa |
Our projects
WIN - Women in Industrial Regions
Improving the position of women in the labor markets of peripheral industrial regions
Duration: January 2024 - June 2026
Project budget: EUR 1,934,900.00
University of Graz share: EUR 255,500.00
The project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund in the framework of the Interreg Danube Programme in the amount of 1.547.920 EUR.
Partners: Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Association for Culture and Education PiNA , University of Graz, Registered association Styrian Iron Road , LAG Sokolovsko , Central Transdanubian Regional Innovation Agency Nonprofit Ltd,Ministry of Economy Affairs of Hercegbosnian Canton, Employment Office of Herceg-Bosnian Canton , Association of Business Women in Serbia, National Management School
Project management: Jörn Harfst, Wolfgang Fischer
Project staff: Jasmin Sandriester, Simone Kocher
Project Website:
Project description
Interreg Danube Region project WIN launched
The Interreg Danube Region project "WIN", which aims to improve the employment situation for women in peripheral industrial regions, was launched at the beginning of the year. The idea came about after the completion of the "YOUIND" project, which focused on young people, but whose results in turn emphasized the essential role of women in these regions. With the "Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts" as project leader, 9 other international partners will work on creating easier, more inclusive access to the labor market for women. The aim is to gain a better understanding of their specific needs and to identify cultural and institutional barriers in order to effectively counteract gender inequality. The development of useful tools will also help to empower women and increase their professional potential. The overarching goal is to improve the socio-economic development of peripheral industrial regions, and the project also aims to encourage more effective, flexible policy design at all levels through more inclusive approaches.
Further information:
Current project results:
- DT1.3.2 Peer-review report of local/regional/national employment policies addressing women
- DT.1.1.1 Input paper on the position of women in the labour markets of peripheral industrial region
Social and innovative Platform On cultural Tourism and its potential towards deepening Europeanization
Duration: January 2020 - December 2022
Project budget: EUR 3,000,000
University of Graz share: EUR 209,202
Partner: Mendel University (Brno, Czech Republic), Bar Ilan University (Ramat-Gan, Israel), CERS Institute for Regional Studies (Győr, Hungary), Constantine the Philosopher University (Nitra, Slovakia), Institute of Geography of the Romanian Academy (Romania), Leibniz Institute of Ecological Urban and Regional Development (Dresden, Germany), Tallinn University (Estonia), University of Aberdeen (United Kingdom), University of Barcelona (Spain), University of the Aegean (Greece), University of Verona (Italy), University of Wrocłav (Poland), Univerzity of Ljubljana (Slovenia), Wageningen University & Research (Wageningen, Netherlands)
Project management: Wolfgang Fischer, Judith Pizzera
Project team members: Jörn Harfst, Jasmin Sandriester
Project description
Start of the Horizon 2020 project "SPOT"
Following the successful kick-off in Brno at the beginning of the year, the launch of the project website marks a further milestone in the first project phase of the three-year term. Together, the 15 international project partners (from Spain to Israel) are pursuing the goal of a better understanding and sustainable tourism valorization of cultural heritage. Subsequently, methods, strategies and planning instruments to strengthen (European) cultural tourism will be developed and applied in pilot projects. Methodologically, this will be supported by the use of an innovative tool (social and innovative platform on cultural tourism). Scientifically supported case studies not only serve to reveal local potential, but also to identify planning opportunities for the local population.
The subject of our project team at KFU Graz is the Styrian Iron Route (VESTE), which has been a cooperation partner for many years and is known beyond the country's borders for its centuries-old mining heritage.
Our results are now available on CORDIS: https: //
Redefining the future of cultural heritage, through a disruptive model of sustainability
Duration: March 2021 - February 2024
Project budget: EUR 3,016,615
University of Graz share: EUR 320,125
Bank of Cyprus Cultural Foundation (Cyprus), Asociación Arte Sostenible (Spain), University of Florence - MICC, Florence (Italy), European Cultural Tourism Network (Belgium), School of law- University of Nicosia (Cyprus), Materahub (Italy), Nicholas and Dolly GoulandrisFoundation-Museum of Cycladic Art (Greece), Research Centre of Interactive Media, Smart Systems and Emerging Technologies - Rise limited (Cyprus), Scientific non-profit association BLUE SHIELD (Greece), Arcada University of Applied Sciences (Finland),Stadtmuseum Graz GmbH (Austria)
Project management: Chiara Zuanni, Wolfgang Fischer
Project team members: Jörn Harfst, Jasmin Sandriester, Sina Krottmaier
Project description
With ReInherit, a second, three-year HORIZON 2020 project will start in March in the Fischer project group, which deals with the interface of digitalization and sustainable cultural heritage management. 12 international partners, with the Bank of Cyprus Cultural Foundation as lead partner, will work together to create a platform for a digital, dynamic European network of cultural heritage stakeholders. In a cross-faculty cooperation, our institute will be responsible for the development of a "Digital Hub" together with the Center for Information Modeling (ZIM). Graz Geography will support the university partner familiar with the technical implementation with scientific expertise and many years of project experience. The Graz City Museum will also be represented as a practice partner. The project thus not only facilitates European exchange on the subject of cultural heritage, but also promotes interdisciplinary university and transdisciplinary cooperation in Graz.
Reinherit | Redefining cultural heritage
Institute Center for Information Modelling - Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities (
Youth in Industrial Regions
Strengthening institutional capacities in the field of youth migration from industrial cities
Duration: April 2020 - March 2022
Project budget: EUR 285,005
University of Graz share: EUR 99,375
Partners: Znanstvenoraziskovalni center - Slovenske akademije znanosti in umetnosti, Verein Steirische Eisenstraße, Občina Idrija
Project management: Judith Pizzera, Wolfgang Fischer
Project team members: Jörn Harfst, Jasmin Sandriester
Project description
Project start "YOUIND" - University of Graz lead partner
On April 1, 2020, the starting signal was given for YOUIND, a two-year Interreg project that addresses youth emigration from peripheral industrial areas in an industrial-cultural context. The focus is on transnational knowledge exchange between the regions of Idrija (Slovenia) and along the Styrian Iron Road. These are supported and accompanied by the scientific project partners of the University of Graz and the "Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts". The aim is to establish permanent networks characterized by joint pilot activities, regional action planning and transnational strategy development. The specific local industrial culture will be used as a potential for strengthening institutional capacities to combat youth emigration and the shortage of skilled workers. Various activities in schools are intended to create identification with and appreciation of the mining and post-industrial heritage at an early stage and to bind young people more strongly to their region. Finally, the project results will be made available to the general public in the form of transnational recommendations for action.
Updates and further news about the project can be found here...
Key project results